How to Improve Database Backup Speed in SQL Server

 Efficient database backups are crucial for maintaining data integrity and minimizing downtime. Below are several steps you can take to improve the speed of your database backups.

1. Backup Compression

Using compression can significantly reduce the size of the backup file and the time required to create it. Here is an example command:

DISK = 'C:\Backups\MyFile_1.bak' WITH COMPRESSION;

2. Split Backup

Splitting the backup across multiple files can speed up the process by leveraging parallel writes.

DISK = 'C:\Backups\MyFile_1.bak',
DISK = 'C:\Backups\MyFile_2.bak';


Tuning these parameters can optimize the I/O operations during the backup.

DISK = 'C:\Backups\MyFile_1.bak',
DISK = 'C:\Backups\MyFile_2.bak'
  • BLOCKSIZE: Specifies the physical block size in bytes. Supported sizes range from 512 to 65536 (64 KB).

  • BUFFERCOUNT: Specifies the total number of I/O buffers for the backup. Large numbers can cause "out of memory" errors, so adjust carefully.

  • MAXTRANSFERSIZE: Specifies the largest unit of transfer in bytes, up to 4194304 bytes (4 MB).

4. Use the Fastest RAID Configurations

RAID configurations can greatly impact backup speeds. Prioritize using:

  • RAID 0

  • RAID 1

  • RAID 10

  • RAID 5

5. Use Locally Attached Disks

Backing up to locally attached disks can be faster than backing up across a network.

6. Utilize SAN Technologies

For enterprise setups, SAN technologies such as snapshot and split mirror backups can significantly enhance backup speed and reliability.

7. Optimize Network Backups

If you need to backup to other machines:

  • Use the fastest network cards and switches available.

  • Segment backup traffic from regular network traffic to reduce I/O bottlenecks.

By implementing these steps, you can achieve faster and more efficient database backups, ensuring better performance and reliability.

Managing SQL Server ERRORLOG File Growth to Prevent Space Issues

 Problem Overview:

In one of our smaller production environments, the SQL Server ERRORLOG file size unexpectedly grew to almost 60 GB. This caused a critical space crunch on the C:\ drive, leading to application timeout errors. The ERRORLOG file was located at:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL14.INST1\MSSQL\Log


Active ERRORLOG File: The current ERRORLOG file could not be deleted directly because it was actively being used by SQL Server.

Time Constraints: Restarting the SQL Server instance to create a new ERRORLOG file required approval from the client and the change management team, which could be time-consuming.

Resolution Steps:

Step 1: Cycle the ERRORLOG File Without Restarting SQL Server

To address the issue without a service restart, we used the following command:

EXEC sp_cycle_errorlog;


This command immediately created a new ERRORLOG file. The active log was cycled, and the previous ERRORLOG file was moved to the same directory with a numbered suffix (e.g., ERRORLOG.1).

Step 2: Relocate and Manage Old ERRORLOG Files

The old ERRORLOG file, which was consuming significant space, was manually moved to a different drive with sufficient free space. This provided temporary relief for the space issue on the C:\ drive. After a few days, we deleted the old log files to reclaim space permanently.

Step 3: Identify and Fix the Root Cause

Upon investigation, we discovered that one of the SQL Server Agent jobs was generating excessive logs in the ERRORLOG file. The problematic statement in the job's code was identified and removed to prevent further excessive logging.

Key Takeaways:

Proactive Monitoring: Regular monitoring of SQL Server ERRORLOG file size and disk space utilization is crucial to avoid unexpected space issues.

Efficient Log Management: Use the sp_cycle_errorlog procedure periodically to cycle logs and prevent single ERRORLOG files from growing too large.

Root Cause Analysis: Always investigate the underlying cause of excessive logging to implement a permanent fix.

How to save and then restore permissions after refreshing a database

The blog post provides a detailed guide on how to save and restore permissions after refreshing a SQL Server database. It introduces stored procedures for capturing and reapplying user and role permissions efficiently, ensuring minimal disruption during a database refresh. This method is particularly helpful when automating database refresh processes.

  • GenerateUserRoleScripts: This procedure generates the SQL scripts to create users and assign roles for the specified database and stores them in the UserRoleScripts table.

  • ExecuteUserRoleScripts: This procedure retrieves the scripts stored in UserRoleScripts and executes them on the specified database.
  • Stored Procedure 1: GenerateUserRoleScripts

    This procedure will generate and store the user-role scripts in the DBA..UserRoleScripts table for the specified database.

    Automating SQL Server Stored Procedure Execution Across Multiple Databases with PowerShell

     In many enterprise environments, database administrators (DBAs) often need to execute scripts across multiple databases on several SQL Server instances. Doing this manually can be time-consuming and error-prone, especially when managing a large number of servers. Automating this task using PowerShell can significantly streamline the process, ensuring consistency and saving valuable time.

    In this post, we'll walk through a PowerShell script that automates the execution of a stored procedure (sp_read) across all databases on multiple SQL Server instances. The script also captures the execution output and logs the status (success or failure) for each database in a detailed log file.

    SQL Joins and Order of Execution: An In-Depth Guide

    SQL Joins:

    1. INNER JOIN:

      • Definition: Retrieves records that have matching values in both tables.
      • Use Case: When you only want the records where there is a match in both tables.
      • Example:

        SELECT a.column1, b.column2 FROM table1 a INNER JOIN table2 b ON a.common_column = b.common_column;

      • Definition: Returns all records from the left table and the matched records from the right table. For unmatched rows from the right table, NULL values are returned.
      • Use Case: When you need all records from the left table regardless of whether they have a match in the right table.
      • Example:
        SELECT a.column1, b.column2 FROM table1 a LEFT JOIN table2 b ON a.common_column = b.common_column;

      • Definition: Similar to LEFT JOIN, but returns all records from the right table and the matched records from the left table.
      • Use Case: When you need all records from the right table regardless of whether they have a match in the left table.
      • Example:
        SELECT a.column1, b.column2 FROM table1 a RIGHT JOIN table2 b ON a.common_column = b.common_column;

      • Definition: Combines the results of both LEFT JOIN and RIGHT JOIN. Returns all records when there is a match in either table.
      • Use Case: When you need all records from both tables, with NULLs in places where there is no match.
      • Example:
        SELECT a.column1, b.column2 FROM table1 a FULL OUTER JOIN table2 b ON a.common_column = b.common_column;
    5. CROSS JOIN:

      • Definition: Returns the Cartesian product of both tables, pairing each row from the first table with every row from the second table.
      • Use Case: When you need all possible combinations of rows from the two tables.
      • Example:
        SELECT a.column1, b.column2 FROM table1 a CROSS JOIN table2 b;
    6. SELF JOIN:

      • Definition: A join in which a table is joined with itself to compare rows within the same table.
      • Use Case: When you need to compare rows within the same table.
      • Example:
        SELECT a.column1, b.column2 FROM table a INNER JOIN table b ON a.common_column = b.common_column;

    SQL Order of Execution:

    1. FROM:

      • Purpose: Specifies the tables involved in the query.
      • Details: This is the first step where the SQL engine identifies the source tables and builds a Cartesian product if multiple tables are specified.
    2. WHERE:

      • Purpose: Filters records based on specified conditions.
      • Details: Applies conditions to filter out rows that do not meet the criteria.
    3. GROUP BY:

      • Purpose: Groups records that have identical data in specified columns.
      • Details: Aggregates data to prepare for summary functions (e.g., COUNT, SUM).
    4. HAVING:

      • Purpose: Filters groups based on specified conditions.
      • Details: Similar to WHERE but operates on groups created by GROUP BY.
    5. SELECT:

      • Purpose: Specifies the columns to be returned.
      • Details: Determines the final columns to be included in the result set.
    6. ORDER BY:

      • Purpose: Sorts the result set based on specified columns.
      • Details: Orders the rows in the result set according to one or more columns.
    7. LIMIT:

      • Purpose: Restricts the number of rows returned.
      • Details: Used to limit the number of rows in the result set, useful for pagination.

    Example Query with Detailed Execution:

    Let's consider a complex query to see the order of execution in action:

    SELECT department, AVG(salary) AS avg_salary FROM employees WHERE hire_date > '2020-01-01' GROUP BY department HAVING AVG(salary) > 60000 ORDER BY avg_salary DESC LIMIT 5;

    Order of Execution:

    1. FROM: Identify the employees table.
    2. WHERE: Filter rows where hire_date is after '2020-01-01'.
    3. GROUP BY: Group the remaining rows by department.
    4. HAVING: Filter groups where the average salary is greater than 60,000.
    5. SELECT: Choose the department and calculate the average salary as avg_salary.
    6. ORDER BY: Sort the results by avg_salary in descending order.
    7. LIMIT: Return only the top 5 rows.